About Us
Price Right Rentals was designed to help visitors find there needed construction equipment to rent.
Because there are over 3,500 different types of equipment to rent, not one rental provider carries all types searched for.
The problem of locating needed equipment is so troublesome that renters spend billions of dollars a year on equipment locating concierge services such as Equipment Share, Getable, Big Rentz and Dozer.
Such services charge 15% to 20% on top of the rental cost . Price Right Rentals provides that same locating process FREE for our visitors.
Take advantage of choosing the lowest rental prices offered by hundreds of rental providers. We look forward to serving you and thanks for visiting!
Warm Regards
Founder Robert Brooke
A Word to Our Equipment Suppliers
We look forward to serving you with our new and revolutionary advertisement platform. We will work to get your idle equipment out there working and generate new costumers. Price Right Rentals was designed to provide you with a highly productive and most inexpensive form of advertising. Review the advertiser's terms, conditions and pricing in our Supplier Sign In page and take advantage of the most viable form of advertising in the rental market.
( View Our Introduction Video )